Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mommy's Boyfriend

It was evening and I was ready to go over to Kavita’s for a hot cup of chai and some chill out time. And loads of laughter of course. Inevitable when two mad hatters catch up, considering a full 48 hours had gone by without meeting up.

I go upto Devamma, my angel housekeeper, to tell her of my plans and this is how the scripts played out eventually. Enjoy

Me (tongue firmly in cheek): Devamma, today I am not going to meet my boyfriend but am going to call on my girlfriend instead.

Devamma (Giggling away and blushing): How many chappatis should I make? And (pointing to the casseroles) is this enough or do you want me to cook something else?

Me: Hmmm.....this is enough. Make about 16 chappatis. And come early tomorrow.

Devamma (laughing): You have a boyfriend??!! Who is he? What is his name?

Me (trying hard to keep from laughing): Well I am not about to tell you. What if you two meet and he falls for you and ditches me!!

Devamma (blushing beet): Haiyoooooo!!! What are you saying?!!

Me: But of course Devamma. Look at you. You are very pretty.

Devamma: You are mad. You have lost it completely. Please go and let me get on with my work.

(Both of us burst out laughing)

A little voice rises with insistence and we turn around to see Tamanna (my three year old) standing there

Tamanna(like a stuck record): Mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy

Me (irritably): What is it, Tamanna? I have to go now.

Tamanna: Mummy, Mummies don’t have boyfriends!!

Silence into what sistah girl Tulsi would term a “bowtie” moment.......before we are in splits again

P.S: Ranjit Menon, this is for you. You urged me to write again. And, the little critter needs to know Mommies can have boyfriends too, no matter that the definition has to be tweaked around a bit!! Big hug......of the grizzly kind.


Unknown said...

nice one muthu..enjoyed reading it:)

Pravs said...

nice witty post :)

Gopa said...

Hey,that chat with your Devaamma is great. And ickle kids have large ears..I enjoyed reading that and thanks for you know what.

Shyam Madhavan Sarada said...

That was fun! I can imagine Tamanna talking like that. Ranjit's gob was a pleasant surprise too :-)

Muthu said...

Chinmayajyothi - thanks a ton. It's the feedback that keeps me going. Sorry for the delay in responding

Pravs - thanks again dear.

Muthu said...

Gopa - thank you for the comment. And you are always welcome for you know what. I am just a phone call away!!

Muthu said...

Shyam - that brat is my mother-in-law. She has a list of Mommy Dont's which includes, Mummies don't cut their hair short. You can imagine my predicament now.....I have cut my hair really short and get frowned upon almost every day!!!

Jestine said...

Well said tamanna....taht is why mommies are ,ommies!