Friday, June 11, 2010


Mother, Sweetheart,
Lover, mistress, wife, pawn
Used, abused
Scarred, tortured
Mentally, physically
The soul destroyed
Dreams and aspirations
Blown apart
Doomed to a life
Of subservience

She was violated
Battered, bruised
Broken in spirit and body
Yet it was trivialized
But when it dawned that
A torn piece
Of tissue
Was a matter of honour
She was killed!!


Kusum Achia said...

so true....and now, they call it 'honour killing'...taking credit for the heinous act.. in the name' honour'which they do not have any..!!!

Paresh Palicha said...

Wow! Feel great to see you being prolific & topical. The world is awakening to this BS called Honour Killing. But, our ostrich syndrome continues, felt sad when the caste references were censored from Love,Sex aur Dhokha.